Prestressed Carbon Fiber Plates To Prevent The Expansion Of Cracks Of The Bridge

​Through this reinforcement, the expansion of cracks in the bridge deck is prevented, the service life of the bridge is prolonged, and the later maintenance work of the bridge is greatly reduced.

Due to the long-term age and large traffic flow, a large number of transverse cracks in the bottom plate and a large number of vertical cracks in the web occurred; individual supports were aging and cracked; the pier body was damaged and the expansion joints were longitudinally cracked.

1. The bridge face is treated with glue injection for the reserved groove concrete;

2. After the cracks of the hollow bridge are treated with glue injection and surface sealing according to the width, the 1-4# bottom grids are treated with pasted steel plates. The 5-9# bottom slab is treated with pasted carbon fiber cloth. The 15-18# bottom slab is treated with pasted prestressed carbon fiber plate;

3. Replace the full bridge bearing.

prestressed cfrp plate revent cracks

Through this reinforcement, the expansion of cracks in the bridge deck is prevented, the service life of the bridge is prolonged, and the later maintenance work of the bridge is greatly reduced.

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