Increasing Load-bearing Capacity of Bridge Structures by Prestressed Carbon Fiber Strip

Increasing Load-bearing Capacity of Bridge Structures by Prestressed Carbon Fiber Strip

Through regular inspections of bridge connections in 2020, it was found that some bridges have serious diseases. In order to improve the rating of bridges and extend their service life, it is necessary to carry out maintenance and construction of bridge connections. Mainly including: prestressed carbon board, replacement and repair of expansion joints, and repair and treatment of crack diseases.

Application of the construction technology of prestressed carbon fiber strip pasting, tensioning and strengthening. Compared to conventional crack closure construction, this process reduces the occurrence of beam cracks in terms of structural stress and improves the bearing capacity of the beam.


before prestressed CFRP plate, crack injection first

Prestressed CFRP laminate 11.jpg

prestressed CFRP strip

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