Sistem Penahan Persegi Laminasi Serat Karbon Prategang

Sistem penahan melingkar laminasi serat karbon prategang meliputi penahan kaku, laminasi serat karbon, dan perekat, yang dirancang khusus untuk jembatan, bangunan, dan tulangan struktur baja.

HM-MJ50/100 Prestressed CFRP Plate System
Prestressed carbon fiber reinforced polymer(CFRP) plate for slab, beam strengthening to increase stiffness, reduce distortion and deflection of members, reduce the cracks, avoid and stop cracking.
HM-MJ20 Prestressed CFRP Strip System
Prestressed carbon fiber reinforced polymer(CFRP) strip for slab, beam strengthening to increase stiffness, reduce distortion and deflection of members, reduce the cracks, avoid and stop cracking.
HM-MJ-G20 Prestressed CFRP Laminate System
Prestressed carbon fiber reinforced polymer(CFRP) laminate for slab, beam strengthening to increase stiffness, reduce distortion and deflection of members, reduce the cracks, avoid and stop cracking.