Application of Fiber Composite Material in Bridge Strengthening

Considering the high position of the part to be reinforced, the short construction period, and the narrow working space, it is decided to use the method of sticking fiber composite material sheet for reinforcement.

Fiber Composite Material in Bridge Strengthening

Longmu Bridge is located on the national highway G321. It is a reinforced concrete arch bridge with a total length of 82m. The net span of the main arch ring is 70m. The bridge deck is two-way four-lane. In recent years, it has been discovered that a large number of cracks and even through cracks have appeared in the bridge deck, upper chord, and brace of the arch bridge. It has been identified that the bearing capacity of the bridge has been reduced and needs to be reinforced. Considering the high position of the part to be reinforced, the short construction period, and the narrow working space, it is decided to use the method of sticking fiber composite material sheet for reinforcement. After reinforcement, the bridge was inspected again, and the crack propagation was identified, and the bearing capacity was improved. The bridge achieved the expected enhancement effect.

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