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Material perkuatan struktural Horse Construction telah digunakan pada lebih dari 90.000 proyek, termasuk bangunan, jembatan, bandara, dermaga, bendungan air, jalan raya, dll.
Prestressed Carbon Fiber Reinforcement RC Continuous Beam Bridge
Strengthening the West Henghe Bridge with Circular Anchorage of Prestressed Carbon Plate
Maintenance and Reinforcement Project of Minjiang Bridge With Carbon Fiber
HM-500 Injectable Anchor Epoxy in Tunnel Structural Application
Carbon Fiber Strengthening and Reinforced Tunnel
Old Bridge Reinforcement - Adhesive Bonding Steel Plate
Reinforcement and Repair of a Fire Damaged Bridge
Concrete Bridge Beams Rehabilitation with Prestressed CFRP Systems
Carbon Fiber Wrapping for Retrofitting of Bridge